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3 Universal SEO Tips To Get Your Fashion Blog Noticed

Passionate about fashion and blogging? With so many fashion bloggers out there, it gets a little bit tricky getting the attention you deserve and although this might be frustrating now, there is always a solution! Find out how you can easily get people to read your fabulous posts and keep coming back for more.

Fashion blogging is all about quality content so SEO is going to be your best friend

With so many speculations surrounding Search Engine Optimization after Google’s periodic algorithm updates, no wonder the life of SEOs revolves around panic and minor heart stops. Considering that in the last decade, there has been a major twist on how things are done, we must remember that Google’s cute Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird algorithms, only show their fangs when things are not done right.

After all, Google’s mission is to ensure that only relevant data shows up on search engines (understandable too as it can be a pain to keep clicking on sites that do not in any way answer your burning questions). So no, Google is not out to get us, SEO still lives on and the challenge of keeping up makes it even more fun!

If you need help getting started or to get going with SEO, check out this list of where to find expert freelancers virtually.

Here are a few tips that have kept Zalora Thailand; Asia’s largest online fashion hub, growing for the past two years.

1. Content is and will always be King

Now more than ever, content is an integral part of any website or blog. Google is on no mission to provide users with anything less than relevant data, so the best thing to do is to ensure that you always have relevant content just perfect for your niche.

A few quick tips to help you navigate a lot more smoothly:

Do your market research – learn everything you can about your desired audience, what do they like? And how can you give them something that will be useful? This way, you can work out in advance what topics to cover, using what tone, this is what makes near perfect content.

Always plan in advance – start out with a monthly content plan, then gradually plan for every quarter and by the time you get the hang of things, content planning for the whole year will be a breeze. As tedious as this might sound, you will never miss important dates where you can write fully optimized content your audience will only fall in love with over and over again.

This is also a way to tackle your race against time; it seems like being agile is one of the few ways to move forward. However, time is not something that can easily be manipulated and with planning, you can be able to set yourself deadlines you can actually meet.

Don’t be a flake, be consistent – Everyone likes a consistent friend. Content is not a ‘once and done’ activity – it’s a routine merged with efficient marketing. So make sure that you keep it fresh by having regular updates to the blog or website and always remember to share on social media.

Get your fashion blog noticed using basic SEO techniques

2. Build links like a Pro

Now comes the hard part: building links. This does not always have to be a grim task, look at it as making friends with people just as passionate as you are. Even better because this way you get to learn and empower yourself with the latest trends out there and you can use them to advantage too.

Caution: Avoid black hat SEO at all costs! This means no taking short cuts no matter how tempting it might be – Google despises cheats and will drop them like a hot potato.

Where would we be without Webmaster tools? This is what will help you discover who is connected to your website, which sites are worthy and which ones are bringing you down. Moreover, this is where you discover similar sites with owners who would want to be your friend as much as you want to be theirs.

Do you have broken links? Just recently MOZ turned 10 – I am sure it has been a wonderful 10 years and when I look back; I know without MOZ, I would probably be a lost marketer. TIP: Get acquainted with MOZ.

That being said, MOZ will help you discover broken links to relevant websites and when you find them, be sure to pounce and fill in that void!

Create an outreach strategy – There are many ways to skin this cat really; with online marketing evolving on a daily, you have to decide what would work best for you. We advise you actively collect a list of websites in your particular niche; pick up the phone and get in touch to find out if they want guest posts, if they can feature your website on their blog. That will help you get links to your websites – remember, these are now friends and friendships have to be actively maintained.

3. Social Media Love

Oh the list is endless today, whatever platform you choose, we advise that it should be where your niche ‘hangs out’. Sometimes, it is difficult to separate SEO efforts from Social Media postings, so this is one way to guarantee more visits to your site. So how do we suggest you use it to advantage?

Be there every day – don’t have time to be posting on Social Media? Then it is best you find someone to do it for you! By being able to do that, you are not only building your websites brand authority but you are also going out of your way to engage as many fans as possible. This will do miracles for your ROI while getting a more positive SEO results. TIP: Frequency and engagement are bff’s, so fight to keep them together!

Sharing is caring – Do you have those little ‘share’ buttons that appear at the end of each article or landing page? No? Then don’t wait a second longer, get them there now and you are likely to get 7 times more shares and mentions as compared to before.

More than anything, it is important to know that positive SEO results do not happen overnight – it takes time and much effort. So with a little patience, determination, hard work all merged with fun and passion, your website will soon yield to your expectations.

What about you? What activities have you done to your blog that works? Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment below.